
AI image

Azure cognitive services demonstration game


A live web-based game demonstrating Azure cognitive image recognition capabilities, as users enter a conference they would receive a flyer with game signup instruction, in the game they will be asked to upload pictures of arbitrary objects with a promise of a reward if they follow all steps of the game, on later stages in the game they will be instructed to find NeWay's booth in order to view the results of the Cognitive image recognition process and to claim their prize, the results are being fed live to a large screen at NeWay's booth.

Processes applied

All 12 processes, from Requirements to Release.

Case study

We were hired to build a cognitive web-based game in order to raise engagements in conferences, we worked closely with the marketing team as they described their strategy for approaching new clients with this game, we collected their idea's about the expected execution, and after being armed with the info they provided us we then build a game which will set them apart from the other presenters at the conference.


2 months (2017)


Conference crowd.

Team members
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